615 km on foot, for 30 days of walking in the largest French-speaking metropolis in the world: the Greater Paris Trail will be the first cultural facility of the metropolis.
Designed and carried out by artists, architects, town planners, landscape designers..., it is being built in partnership with several public and private institutions, including the Greater Paris Metropolitan Authority, the Société du Grand Paris and the Ile-de-France Region.
Articulating the 19th century suburbs (first ring) and late 20th century "villes nouvelles" (second ring) across more than 150 townships and 7 departments, it will be the largest public space in the Ile-de-France region.
Designed in 2016, it is delivered to the public in 2020 under the form of a route, a book and an exhibition at the Pavillon de l'Arsenal.
On the occasion of the birth of the Metropolis and the construction of the Grand Paris Express, several projects converge in 2016—"" (since 1995), "Le Voyage Métropolitain" (since 2014), "Le Révolution de Paris" (since 2014) to create together the Metropolitan Trail of the Greater Paris (SMGP). The design of this trail took the form of a series of monthly expeditions, participative scouting, associating authors, the public, and local authorities.