
"Hikers are discovering terrain that motorists don't even know exists."

GEO, Katja Trippel

"This is no ordinary path: it has been devised by artists to reveal aspects of Provence that are rarely seen and less frequently appreciated. »

THE GUARDIAN, Kevin Rushby

"With a target of 100,000 visitors, the Sentier du Grand Paris is aiming for significant economic benefits."

LES ECHOS, Lamia Barbot and Caroline d’Avout

"A disproportionate and unprecedented project: the GR2013, a 365-kilometre long-distance hiking trail."

PARIS-MATCH, Pauline Delassus

"This trail will perhaps make it possible to build the metropolis not by speeches but by feet."

LE MONDE, Lucie Geffroy

"The Bordeaux 'Refuges Périurbains' are the most unusual retreat you've ever seen."